Anderson Cooper was on 60 minutes sharing research and personal experience about mindfulness. He interviewed Jonathan Cabot Zen about the teaching and benefits of mindfulness. How exciting that meditation and mindfulness has finally made it to 60 minutes, and has enough scientific data to demonstrate the benefits. Jonathan Cabot Zen talked about the global benefits, saying that as more people practice mindfulness there can be a shift in global consciousness.
American Parenting in the 21st Century
In the 21st Century American families are complex. There are traditional families, blended families, and a variety of creative families with adopted children. Many women are single mothers who struggle to raise children without financial support. The changes in the American family have led to a blurring of defined roles.
Is it possible that as the family unit has gone through a major transition there has been a breakdown in personal growth and self-actualization? Is it possible, even probably, that we are creating disenfranchised children who feel alienated from this world? Is it possible that the epidemic of drug use and school shootings is a by product of these changes in our family and community structure?
We need to understand why children, teen-agers and young adults are turning to drugs, school shootings, and suicide. I assume research is underway. Meanwhile, what is a parent to do?
My suggestions will appear in a series of brief articles. Parents need help now, not 20 years from now.