Living Aloha

Living Aloha!  

Aloha is one of my favorite words.  The current version of Aloha means “Hello” and “Goodbye”.   Books have been written about the SPIRITUAL MEANING OF ALOHA.  ‘Alo’ means face to face and ‘ha’ means divine breath.  Aloha is face to face with the divine breath. As a greeting in is the Hawaiian Namaste.  Click here to learn more about Aloha from the Ancient Kahunas. Take a look at the pages about Touching Aloha.
The islands of Hawaii call to me.  Ocean Beach in San Diego and the Hawaiian Islands are my two homes on this planet.  I look towards the west, across the Pacific, and know that soon I will be floating in the warm salty waters and walking down my favorite dirt road on the North Shore of Kauai.  I can taste the salty shoreline where chocolate labs chase oversized crabs into their holes. Locals with spears fish in the turquoise waters where tourists snorkel and windsurfers jump over the choppy surface.  Someday soon my bare feet will step into the coarse sand on the cove in Haena known as the Banana Beach.  Sand for the Soul, and balmy Winds to cleanse the Spirit!

    lynnestandingART             Diamond Head by lm