Meet Lynne


Paris Miles

Paris Smiles

Hi!  I am Lynne.  My life is probably a lot like yours.  I live in a world that is full of emotions, thoughts, and the swirling of life’s adventures.  I am a wife, mom, grandma,  a spiritual dharma teacher and a Buddhist monk.  I co- founded Dharma Center in 1998.  I founded Integrated Meditation Studies in 2016. My life is full with family and friends, learning, reading, writing, teaching, traveling, and hiking.  Life on this planet amazes me, I am dazzled by her beauty and abundance.  To learn more about me click here.

I have written two books, Awake in the Dream, and Meditation: Transform Your Life in 28 Days, A User Friendly Guide to Enlightenment.

I hope that this site, as it grows, will provide you with an inspiring cyberspace site to visit on your internet journeys.  I lead a monthly meditation circle for seekers of light.  If you are interested in attending please contact me at

I also have a blog that you might enjoy, Write Now and Zen.

LET ME EXPLAIN: I am an ordained Buddhist Monk.  As you may know, there are no certificates or licenses. Ordination comes from teacher to student through a series of teaching empowerments.  I studied with my teacher Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz,  for many years.  This site will help you understand that Buddhism is not a religion.  It is a way of life sometimes called “Self-Discovery”.  There is no dogma, perse.  There is a general philosophy that pervades the teachings, and that is a reverence for life, and an intention to awaken to your highest level of consciousness.